| 1. | I pointed to the chair where master was sitting in meditation , but when i looked again carefully , she was not there anymore 我甚至还指给他知道师父正坐在椅子上打坐,但没多久再仔细看,师父就不在了。 |
| 2. | As the individual sits in meditation , his mind focused on an affirmation ( an idea ) , spiritual energy begins to move upward from the gonads 当个人坐着冥想时,他的意识集中于一种肯定(一个想法) ,精神能量开始从性腺向上移动。 |
| 3. | Members of the supreme master ching hai chinese amphibious rescue association sit in meditation while on standby to carry out rescue missions should the need arise 清海无上师中华两栖救援协会的队员在等待救援行动时禅坐入定。 |
| 4. | You must read or listen to good teachings and noble dharma every day , and not simply sit in meditation . otherwise , you wont know why you meditate 每天一定要多看多听好的教理和高雅的经典,不是只有光打坐而已,否则,我们不了解为什么打坐。 |
| 5. | On the third day after uncle ma moved to hsihu , a resident practitioner there notified the ren - ai home that he had passed away while sitting in meditation 禅定中辞世马老伯到西湖的第三天,长住便打电话告知仁爱之家:马老伯在禅定中坐着往生。 |
| 6. | Master , if anybody was initiated in the past by master , but did not repeat the holy names , and did not sit in meditation - at the time of death , do you go to meet him 师父,如果有人以前曾和您印心,但印心后不念佛号也不打坐,往生的时候,您会来带他走吗? |
| 7. | It s not true that a person doesn t meditate after becoming a buddha , but he meditates without struggling . he still meditates without having to sit in meditation so we say he doesn t meditate 成佛了以后也不是不打坐,不过不那么挣扎,他还是打坐,不过不打坐,所以说他不打坐。 |
| 8. | When my mother invited him to her house , he sat in meditation for a short while . " i am a taoist practitioner and share bonds of affinity with you , " he said . " there is something i must tell you 接着他开始和我母亲一路攀谈,并被我母亲邀请到家中,闭眼神定了片刻后,他对我母亲说:我是一个道家的修士,和你有缘,我必须要告诉你一些事。 |
| 9. | Soon after initiation , i saw a book on buddhism for children at a friend s home . in it was an illustration of the shakyamuni buddha sitting in meditation . above his head was a beautiful globe symbolizing his great awakening 印心后不久,一次在朋友家看到一本儿童阅读的佛教丛书,里面有一幅释迦牟尼在打坐的画,头上并画了一个很漂亮的地球,意思说?开悟时的境界。 |
| 10. | Here s another story . one morning when going to meditate with bcas , i found one of my friends from stanford who graduated a few years ago lying on the couch . he woke up and sat in meditation with the meditation group in the morning 这里还有另外一个故事:有一天早上,当我去史丹福佛学社打坐时,我发现一位几年前从史丹福大学毕业的朋友睡在沙发上,他起身和大家一起打坐。 |